Cheers to Dad!
As we come up to Fathers day, we think of the many special people in our lives. To celebrate these father figures we chatted to some of the dads and children of our A&C team to hear about favourite memories and lessons of Fatherhood across the generations.
Cheers to the wonderful father figures in our lives!
Kerry & Noel
Kerry - Managing Director
Tell us a bit about the memory behind the photo you have shared?
Kerry: This is of me and dad on the way to Mount Cook Aorangi after being at Lake Twizel watching my son rowing at Maadi cup, loving the NZ landscape and enjoying hanging out in our beautiful countryside.
What's the greatest thing your dad has taught you?
Kerry: There are so many things - Always be positive and have a go. Never give up, keep on smiling.
What is the best thing fatherhood has taught you?
Through Fatherhood, I have seen and been staggered at the range of talent and dedication displayed by motherhood in my wife, daughter and my sons wives.
What has been your most enjoyable ‘dad moment' to date?
Seeing each of our very differently talented children successfully emerging from teenage hood.
Emma & Murray
Emma - Digital Marketing Co-Ordinator
Tell us a bit about the memory behind the photo you have shared?
Emma: This photo is from my wedding day out at Piha, my Dad was given the special privilege of driving my Husbands (very loved, very precious) car out to the wedding. It was such a nice moment together, driving out to the beach on a beautiful sunny day before the busyness of the wedding started.
What's the greatest thing your dad has taught you?
Emma: Tricky to know where to start, so many of my great life lessons have come from my Dad. He (and my mum) have taught me the significant value found in family and friends. He has also taught me to be adventurous and to be willing to push myself outside of my comfort zone to give things a go.
What is the best thing fatherhood has taught you?
Murray: Fatherhood has taught me the significant pleasure and joy in sharing life’s experiences and challenges with your kids, and seeing them gradually embrace and appreciate those experiences and flourish in the face of what seem like insurmountable challenges.
What has been your most enjoyable ‘dad moment' to date?
Murray: Teaching all three of our kids to drive and all of them passing their driving tests in a manual car on the first attempt! There are way too many enjoyable Dad moments to select a best, but this is a good one.
Damian, Delphina & Xander
Damian - Director
Tell us a bit about the memory behind the photo you have shared?
Damian: This is a pic of us on holiday in the Coromandel earlier this year standing in a rockpool on a sunny-ish day. I love it because some of the best moments happen with kids and family when you are inventing your own fun and finding things to do outdoors together.
What's the greatest thing your dad has taught you?
Delphina: That Dad has taught me to be an awesome, kind, caring kid!
Xander: That Dad has taught me to be responsible!
What is the best thing fatherhood has taught you?
Damian: The best thing that fatherhood has taught me is to be flexible! ... things don't always go to plan and sometimes go a bit swervy... and sometimes fall apart! but that is absolutely where the best memories are made! Fun times with kids!
What has been your most enjoyable ‘dad moment' to date?
Damian: Seeing my kids become more and more their own people and independent with their own interests and dreams and quirks. I love seeing them find a thing that they get passionate about and really get into it. With Delphina that is very much art and film making (we have a burgeoning Jane Campion on our hands) and with Xander it is most definitely football - he is already claiming he is equal, if not better, than Messi, so confidence is no issue...

Hannah & Andrew
Hannah - Online Store Co-ordinator
Tell us a bit about the memory behind the photo you have shared?
Hannah: To be honest I was too young to actually remember this photo. But it’s my favourite photo of dad and I, because he’s sharing his love of motorbikes with me and my brother. And look how happy I am!
What's the greatest thing your dad has taught you?
Hannah: As I’ve gotten older I’ve started to notice personality traits of mine that I’ve got from my dad, like my dry sense of humour and love of weird sci-fi movies. Dad has taught me to be able to laugh at things and not take myself too seriously.
What is the best thing fatherhood has taught you?
Andrew: To see things through the eyes of my children.
What has been your most enjoyable ‘dad moment' to date?
Andrew: A family cruise we took to New Caledonia in 2013