Plastic Free July At A&C
This month is Plastic Free July. Here at A&C we have taken this opportunity to reflect on ways that we are reducing, reusing and recycling plastic usage from the products we are selling to the processes within our company. Read about what we are doing and some of our favourite sustainable brands below.
Behind The Scenes Changes at A&C:
1. Reusable crates & bags for internal transfers.
To reduce waste in our internal processes, the teams all now use reusable items when moving products between our four stores.
2. Compostable shipping bags
The shopping bags we send our online orders in are fully home compostable.
3. Reusable cups, bowls & bottles for Head Office
Our Head Office team often frequent their local café (shoutout to Standing Room Birkenhead!) and we make sure to take our own coffee cups, as well as having bowls and bottles on hand for takeaway lunches.
4. Plastic free packaging for A&C products
Our A&C products such as linen bedding, tea towels, candles and clothing come in reusable fabric bags or recyclable cardboard.
5. Circularity within the products we are stocking
We stock some great products produced using recycled plastic, giving plastic that would be thrown out a second life.

Brand Highlight: Raaie Skincare
Raaie creates Skincare specifically targeted to provide products that care for your skin against the harsh New Zealand sun. They offer a takeback system so that the bottles can be used again and again to reduce waste. If you return three Raaie bottles to any of our stores you will receive 20% off your next purchase of Raaie products!
Brand Highlight: Special Studio
Special studio is a New Zealand based brand that is based on the idea of circularity, using plastic waste to create new products and reduce the environmental impact and waste of plastic. Their products are all produced locally here in New Zealand!
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